Dimensions (in mm. 1mm=0.0394 inch):
1. Size error: ±1mm;
2. Primary aperture: φ40mm;
3. Fastening hole: φ6mm*2;
4. Output terminal: 2EDGVC-5.08-4P;
Mating plug: 2EDGK-5.08-4P;
5. The IP indication direction is the positive direction of the current, OFS is the zero adjustment, and GIN is the output regulation;
6. The temperature of the primary conductor shall not exceed 105°C;
7. Incorrect wiring may cause damage to the sensor.
1. SCK13 Series is open-loop current sensor. There is galvanic isolation between primary and secondary circuit of the sensor, it can measure DC, AC or pulse currents.
2. Round perforation, mainly measure wire conductor current.
3. Features: High accuracy, low power consumption, high liability and strong overload capacity.
Caution: Incorrect wiring may damage the sensor